“It’s not me, or you… it’s both of us: why your messages aren’t getting through.”

Box UK Business Analyst Sophie Hayden delivered her talk “It’s not me, or you… it’s both of us: why your messages aren’t getting through” at this year’s SwanseaCon conference – aimed at anyone who helps design, develop, test and release quality software as part of an Agile team.

Looking at the vital role effective communication plays throughout the Agile software development lifecycle, Sophie explored why teams can have problems achieving this – especially in certain stages of a project’s lifetime – and what can be done to address this.

A variety of established models helped attendees understand the symptoms and underlying causes behind some of the most common communication and team development challenges, as well as identify potential solutions they can use in their own organisations to remove blockers to successful project delivery.

About the Presenter

Sophie Hayden
Business Analyst

Sophie is a business analyst, product owner and all round agile enthusiast. She has a background in software testing and HR, so quality and people are paramount in her approach to agile software delivery. Sophie is passionate about building fantastic teams, delivering value in solutions and trying all of the new things.